CodeHub: A Community of Coders

Ever used a digital library?? Sure you did! But ever used a digital library specifically for code? No, I'm not talking of GitHub. Introducing to you, CodeHub! The first app of its kind which is a digital library for codes. An app which allows you to contribute any code of your liking, making the library bigger and open for all. And the best thing about it? It's completely free and open source.

The app itself is pretty basic and no one needs to too fancy to use it. The user can easily create an account and log into the app. Don't want to create an account? No worries! You can easily log in with your existing Google account too. Once logged in, you are presented with an elegant homescreen that lists all the uploaded code in a descending order. Each code is marked uniquely with the logo of the language used and the uploader's display picture. Into the cosmetics, slide from left and it will transition into a sidebar. Among the several options in the sidebar, you can mange your account directly from there. Upload your picture and mention your academic details to help others know more about you.
You can share the app and also contact the developer right from the sidebar. Updates to the app can be checked from the sidebar as well.

 Want to check out a code of your liking? Type with the most relevant keywords after clicking the search icon at the top. A simple tapping on the displayed code title on the homepage will bring up the code. Comment system is enabled which allows a viewer to share their views on the submitted code. Photo comments are supported too. A digital library dedicated for code only could not get better!
Uploading a code to the library is as easy as the rest of it. The + icon at the bottom brings up "Add Post" section. To make a code easy to understand by everyone from the beginning, you are to enter a Title, Decription and the Language used for writing it. Here upon, you can either type you code right in via the in-app editor or upload a code saved in .txt format from your local storage. For better results on the display page, the in-app editor is preferred.

Finally, all the comments and replies to your codes will not be missed by you as you are notified by notifications. Clicking the bell icon at the top right corner will bring up all your pending notifications which you can then "mark as read" after you are done with them.

If you want to download the app yoursefl, check out the link below.

Hope you enjoyed reading this review. We would love you to become a part of the CodeHub community and contribute to the coding library. Till then, have a great day. Peace.

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